Thursday, January 2, 2020

3 Ways to Make Your Loved One’s Funeral More Special

A funeral is the last way you can honor a loved one. It can be a way to show how much you care about your loved one and how he/she is loved. If you want to make the funeral more special, here are the things that you can do:


1. Fill up the funeral service with the favorite songs of your loved one.

Fill the air with music that the deceased loved. If there are singers in the family or relatives who play musical instruments, you can ask them to play some of the songs your loved one used to enjoy listening to.

2. Have t-shirts printed out.

Print out t-shirts to commemorate your loved one. It can include anything that your loved one likes such as quotes. You can also print out your loved one’s face on the shirt.

3. Make a memory tree and ask visitors to write their fondest memory of the deceased and hang it on that tree.

Visitors can go to the memory tree and read what others have written. It’s also a great chance to learn more about the deceased and how he/she has contributed to the lives of other people. There might even be stories you don’t know of.

Coordinate with the Funeral Home in Port Coquitlam to make arrangements on how to make the funeral more personal. A funeral home in Port Coquitlam such as Amherst can help you in executing these ideas and even add more ideas to make the funeral more special.

For more details about Amherst Pre-Arrangement Care please visit our website:

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